“Structures, routines, predictability, consistency and safety in the environment can be directly linked to one’s success.”


ABL’s mission is to enable people with learning, behaviour, emotional and social issues to achieve their optimum potential.  We promote their well-being by working with individuals and their families in a manner that is holistic, positive, evidence based and emotionally safe.

In keeping with this mission, we…

  • constantly strive for excellence in all fields of learning and behaviour psychology
  • exercise innovation, creativity and our real sense of making a positive difference to our clients’ quality of life
  • respect and reinforce ethnic and cultural identity and diversity
  • constantly improve as an organisation so that we continue to provide and foster high quality professional services and opportunities for people who connect to the world differently
  • support clients and their families to achieve the best possible outcomes


At ABL Psychological Services, we are committed to “living” our values:

  • Excellence: We strive for professional excellence in all aspects of our work. This is achieved by the use of effective practices that have measurable outcomes. All recommendations and pathways are tailor made to ensure they best help an individual achieve their optimum potential.

  • Ethical: We adhere to the highest ethical standards and respect client confidentiality. We are committed to working with clients in a manner that is emotionally safe.

  • Sensitive: We are highly sensitive to the needs of our clients and their families.

  • Caring and compassionate: We genuinely care for our clients’ well- being and value their individual human worth. We believe in honesty, collaboration, respect

  • Dedicated: We will go ‘the extra mile’ to assist people to reach their optimum potential.


Prakash Grover

Prakash is a strongly motivated Registered Psychologist with more than 30 years of experience in the field of Psychology. He is well qualified and experienced to deal with a variety of learning, emotional, organisational and behaviour issues in children, youth and adults. Masters degrees in Psychology and Sociology, a Post-graduate qualification in Guidance and Counselling and a degree in Speech Language Therapy make Prakash a well qualified professional.

He is a passionate professional with the desire to assess and support people with learning and behaviour issues. His advanced training in positive behaviour support and positive parenting add to his skills. He is is affiliated to NZ Psychological Society, NZ Registered Psychologist (under Health Practitioner Competence Assurance Act) following the ethics laid down by NZ Psychologist Board, NZ  Speech Therapy Association (non-practicing), Indigo Assessment and Counselling Centre and member of SPELD (NZ Federation of Specific Learning Difficulties). He is a trained SPELD assessor.

Prakash is a dedicated, experienced and skilled advocate for individuals who have behaviours reflecting Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Attention deficits, Autism/Asperger’s, self-esteem issues and other learning issues.  Prakash works full time in private practice. He has an extensive experience in working with mental health issues and relationship issues for Adults, Couples as well as children and their families. He possesses specialized knowledge with the diagnosis and management of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and have facilitated psycho educational sessions on ASD for families and care givers. Social Skills training for ASD is also undertaken.

Prakash offers an eclectic (holistic) assessment and comprehensive guidance to his clients and their families. Prakash is focussed on empowering students and their families to understand the ‘how and why’ of their learning, emotional state and behavioural needs.

Prakash has worked in both clinical and educational settings with a great success.

Prakash offers a range of services which include cognitive, educational assessment, functional behaviour assessment, speech and language assessment and parent support programmes. Prakash offers a unique client support programme to enhance client’s organisation and study outcomes.

Prakash with a strong pedagogic framework and an intense desire to make a positive difference to people believes in the power of “simple” and “kindness”. To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is by Edward Bulwer Lytton: Leave no stone unturned”

Punita Grover B.A, B.Ed.

Punita is a NZ registered specialist teacher with an experience of more than 25 years in teaching children with special learning needs. She has natural instinct/skills to connect to children with differentness and cause positive changes to their life. Punita continues to hold passion and desire to belong to people who learn and operate differently. She connects and adapts effectively to cause learning.

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Behaviour displayed by children and adults is a product of their experiences and learning. It has a meaning and function. Behaviour can be modified if we can modify their experiences and environment.